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1:1  Paul an Apostle of Yeshua The Messiah by the will of God, and brother Timotheus, to the assembly of God that is in Qorinthus and to all the Holy who are in all Akaia.
1:2  Grace be with you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.
1:3  Blessed is God The Father of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah, The Father of mercy and The God of all comfort,
1:4  He who comforts us in all our afflictions that we also can comfort those who are in all our afflictions, with that comfort by which we are comforted from God.
1:5  For just as the sufferings of The Messiah abound in us, in this way our comforts also abound by The Messiah.
1:6  But if we are afflicted, it is for the sake of your comfort and for the sake of your life that we are afflicted. And if we are comforted, it is so that you may be comforted, and that there may be discipline in you to endure those sufferings that we also suffer.
1:7  And our hope for you is sure, for we know that if you are partners in suffering, you are also partners in comfort.
1:8  But we want you to know, brethren, concerning the affliction that we had in Asia, that we were afflicted greatly beyond our power, until we were close to losing our lives.
1:9  We passed a sentence of death upon ourselves, that we would not trust upon ourselves, but upon God who raises the dead,
1:10  He who has delivered us from violent deaths, and again we hope that he will deliver us,
1:11  By the help of your prayers for our persons, that his gift to us may be a favor done for the sake of the many, that the many may confess him because of us.
1:12  For our pride is this testimony of our conscience, that in generosity and in purity and in the grace of God we have been employed in the world, and not in the wisdom of the flesh, and all the more with you and yours.
1:13  We write nothing else to you but those things that you know and you acknowledge, but I trust that you will acknowledge them until the end;
1:14  Just as you also have acknowledged a few things, that we are your pride as you are also ours, in the day of our Lord Yeshua The Messiah.
1:15  With this trust I was willing from the first to come to you that you might receive double grace.
1:16  And I shall pass by you to Macedonia and again from Macedonia I shall come to you and you will accompany me to Judea.
1:17  This that I purposed, did I purpose it suddenly? Or perhaps those things that I plan are of the flesh, so that it was necessary for there to be in them, “Yes, yes.” and, “No, no”?
1:18  God is trustworthy, so that our word to you was not “Yes” and “No”.
1:19  For The Son of God, Yeshua The Messiah, who was preached by us to you ( by me, by Sylvanus and by Timotheus ), was not “Yes” and “No', but in him was, “Yes”!
1:20  For all The Promises of God in him, ( that is in The Messiah ), were “Yes”; because of this we give the “Amen” by him to the glory of God.
1:21  But it is God who establishes us with you in The Messiah, he who has anointed us.
1:22  And he has sealed us and he has given the down payment of his Spirit into our hearts.
1:23  But I am testifying to God concerning myself: Because I had pity for you, I did not come to Qorinthus,
1:24  Not because we are lords of your faith, but we are helpers of your joy, for it is by faith that you stand.